
March 25, 2010

SALON DU DESSIN CONTEMPORAIN – 25/28 March 2010 – Carrousel du Louvre – Paris

Galerie Placido stand Ouverture au public : Le jeudi 25 et samedi 27 : 11h à 20h Nocturne vendredi 26 : 11h – 21h Dimanche 28 : 11h – 19h Vernissage presse : mercredi 24 mars, à partir de 14h (sur invitation) Vernissage : mercredi 24 mars, 18h30 – 22h (sur invitation) Métro : Palais Royal – Musée du Louvre (ligne 1 et 7) Bus : 21, 27, 39, 81, 95 arrêt Palais Royal www.salondudessincontemporain.com
April 14, 2010

LES JARDIN DES éCHOUéS _ 14 Aprile / 16 Maggio 2010_ giardino Acquario Civico di Milano

Nell’ambito della rassegna Ketos 2.1 : Tamara Ferioli LES JARDIN DES éCHOUéS Giardino Acquario Civico di Milano 14 Aprile / 16 Maggio 2010 Opening party 14 Aprile ore 20:00 / 24:00 Viale Gadio, 2 Milano Metro: MM2 fermata Lanza Bus e tram: 3-4-7-12-14-45-57-61. Orari: dal 15 al 18 aprile: 09.00- 22.00 dal 20 aprile al 16 maggio: 09.00-13.00, 14.00-17.30 chiuso il lunedìwww.ketosproject.com
May 16, 2010

RISALTO_16 maggio 2010_ Castello di Camino

MOSAICI DI RISO Gianni Caravaggio, Enrico Castellani, Hsiao Chin, Tamara Ferioli, Giuseppe Gallo, Marco Tirelli, Walter Valentini, Grazia Varisco 10 a.m. – 19 p.m CASTELLO DI CAMINO via al castello, 30 15020 Camino Monferrato (AL)it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Risalto
May 22, 2010

CONTES ET PASSIONS, épisode 3 – 22 mai / 24 juillet 2010 – Galerie Placido – Paris

CAMILLE BÉQUIÉ, MAROUSSIA CHANUT, TAMARA FERIOLI, ASAMÏ NISHIMURA Vernissage le 22 mai 2010 Opening on may 22, 2010 Du 22 mai 2010 au 06 septembre 2010 From may 22, 2010 to september 06, 2010 Contact Presse : Diane Blandin 01 42 74 23 21 41 rue Chapon – 75003 Paris (métro Rambuteau) ouvert du mardi au samedi de 14 h à 19 h et sur RV tél : 01 42 74 23 21 – fax : 01 42 12 09 86 www.galerie-placido.com – info@galerie-placido.comwww.galerie-placido.com
March 3, 2011

BOX ROSE | Galerie 208 – Paris | from 3 March 2011

TAMARA FERIOLI / DAVIDE NIDO / MATTEO NEGRI / PAO from 3 March 2011 GALERIE208 208 Bd SAINT GERMAIN 75007 PARIS Tel : 01 42 50 30 24 Mail : contact@galerie208.com monday/ 14h – 19h tuesday – saturday / 10h – 13h | 14h – 19h
March 25, 2011

Le Salon du Dessin Contemporain_DRAWING NOW PARIS

April 24, 2011

Tamara Ferioli interview By Giovanni Cervi

A new section in the blog, here we go with the first of, hopefully, many interviews to the artists i work with. Tamara (she lives in Milan, works with drawing and installation) had to be at the very beginning of this adventure, with an exclusive self portrait she shot for Woodenleg: ecopirates.wordpress.com/2011/04/21/tamara-ferioli-interview/
June 17, 2011

THE ENCHANTED FOREST | Musei Civici – Reggio Emilia 17 June – 31 August

Curated by Giovanni Cervi & Yasha Young Luke Chueh – Mia Araujo – Caitlin Hackett – Travis Lampe – Bethany Marchman – Mimi S. – Seymour – Skeleton Heart – Daniel Van Nes – Christina Graf – Miraschi – Raf Veulemans – Lisa Black – Lisa Mei Ling Fong – Annie Bertram – Wee Flowers – Tamara Ferioli – Squp – Fernanda Veron – Angela Singer – David Hochbaum – Auriea Harvey & Micheal Samyn (Tale of Tales) – Sage Vaughn – Suzanne Moxhay – Yumiko Kayukawa – Lucy Mclauchlan – Lindsey Carr www.musei.re.it
October 11, 2011

Cover ESPOARTE n°73

+ page 34 ‘Tamara Ferioli | Transparency, rarefactions and diaphanous: the real dimension of the dream’ interview curated by Matteo Galbiati www.espoarte.net
October 21, 2011

1 st place winner CERES 4art Prize 2011

Tamara Ferioli with the work ‘Her Ceres’ Voice’ The jury: – Luca Beatrice, curator and art critic – Valentina Pesati, art consultant and art gallery director – Durì Bardola, art director Pbcom – Gruppo Moltiplica – Luca De Gennaro, music manager strategies Mtv Italia – Boosta, musician and artist, founder of Subsonica www.ceres4art.it
February 10, 2012

LES ANIMAUX | Opening on February 10th h7pm| STRYCHNIN Gallery | Berlin

Opening on February 10th, our upcoming group exhibition Les Animaux will display an exquisite selection of hand-made, one-of-a-kind, artworks that can be worn as jewelry and fashion accessories. Participating artists are Kristen Ferrell, Julia de Ville, Louis Fleischauer (AMF Korsets), Lisa Black, Eric van Straaten + Jennifer Hoes, Daniel van Nes, Tamara Ferioli, Snash Jewelry, Harem Royal and many more. The exhibition will run until March 4th. www.strychnin.com
March 16, 2012

Tamara Ferioli per Ein Herz für Kinder

‘Herzensbrecher’ a charity group show in favor of Ein Herz für Kinder. For this exhibition over 50 internationally renowned artists have put their visions, styles and ideas onto hearts manufactured by the British porcelain innovators of The New English.These one of a kind artworks will be displayed in a traveling exhibition, which will kick off at Strychnin Gallery Berlin on March 16th. www.ein-herz-fuer-kinder.de
June 12, 2012

LETTERATURE 2012 | XI edition international festival of Rome

June 12Basilica di Massenzio, Foro Romano Clivo di Venere Felice (Via dei Fori Imperiali) reading of unpublished: SOPHIE KINSELLA – LUISA MURAROwith actress IAIA FORTE music by GAZZARRA DUO LE CANZONI INVISIBILI _Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore_curated by Alessandro Cremonesi, Lagash, Moleskine and Festival Letterature di Roma Capitalemusic ERNA PACHULKEvisual TAMARA FERIOLI www.festivaldelleletterature.it
June 12, 2012

SCOPE Basel 2012

with Officine dell’Immagine galleryfrom Tuesday 12th to Sunday 17th June 2012SCOPE Basel Pavilion- KASERNE Klybeckstrasse- 1b CH-4057 Basel, Switzerland www.scope-art.com
November 29, 2012


Christiane Beer . Marco Casentini . Giovanni Frangi . Tamara Ferioli . J&Peg . Massimo Kaufmann . Franco Mazzucchelli .Pino Pinelli . Velasco VitaliCurated by Ettore Buganza e Loris Di Falco Opening november 29th h 6:30 p.m.Spazio BigliVia Bigli 11/a MilanoTel . 3396312241 www.spaziobigli.com
December 4, 2012

SCOPE Miami 2012

Art Fairdecember 4 – december 9with Officine dell’Immagine gallery110 N.E. 36 St. at Midtown Blvd. Miami, Florida 33138www.scope-art.com
May 18, 2013

Moleskine | Invisible Songs

A Moleskine notebook, a 7″ vinyl and an online repository form Canzoni Invisibili/Invisible Songs; a wide-reaching project conceived by Alessandro Cremonesi (La Crus) and Lagash (Marlene Kuntz) to celebrate the Italian writer Italo Calvino. 10 novels have been reimagined, taking his interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to heart through free interpretations and responses. www.moleskine.com
September 17, 2014


Edwin’s Gallery presents works by Ayu Arista Murti, Gusmen Heriadi, Jumaldi Alfi, Redy Rahadian (Indonesia), Hitto Asai (Japan), and Tamara Ferioli (Italy) July 17-20 2014BALLROOM THE RITZ-CARLTON JAKARTA PACIFIC PLACE Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD) Jalan Jenderal Sudirman No.52-53 Jakarta 12190 Indonesia www.artjakarta.com